
Town Charter and Code of Ordinances 

While we attempt to keep this page current, we do not warrant that the most up-to-date ordinance is reflected on this web site.
The Town Clerk is responsible for maintaining the up-to-date Code and can be contacted with inquiries regarding changes.

Town Charter

Title 1 - General Provisions

1.01 General Provisions

Title 3 - Administration

3.01 Administration

3.02 Public Safety

3.03 Elections

3.04 Civil Emergencies

3.05 Boards and Commissions

Title 5 - Public Works

5.01 Water and Sewer Resources

Title 7 - Traffic Code

7.01 Motor Vehicles and Traffic

7.02 Traffic Schedule

7.03 Golf Carts

Title 9 - General Regulations

9.01 Animals

9.02 Public Nuisances

9.03 Streets and Sidewalks

9.04 Hazardous Recreational Activities

Title 11 - Business Regulations

11.01 Business Regulations

Title 13 - General Offenses

13.01 General Offenses

Title 15 - Land Usage

15.01 Subdivisions

15.02 Zoning

15.03 CAMA Local Permits

Title 16 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance

16 Flood Damage Prevention

Title 17 - Wastewater Discharge Control

17 Wastewater Discharge Control

Title 18 - Identity Theft Prevention

18 Identity Theft Prevention Program