Census 2020
Message from the Town Manager
I am often asked- What can do I do to help River Bend? This year, one of the easiest and most important ways that you can help is by participating in the 2020 census. The census is a very important activity that will have an effect on the Town of River Bend for the next 10 years. Obviously, the census is used as a tool to measure our population but data collected during a census also can affect your town, county and state in many areas. Our population has hovered around 3,000 for the last 10 years. That is due to the census data that was collected in 2010.
Here is one small way that the census data can affect you personally- Each year we receive funding from the State of North Carolina that can be used to maintain our municipal streets. Every town in the State also receives the same type of funding. One way that the funding is divided up between all the towns is based on the population of the recipient town. For 2019 the per capita distribution was $19.35. If 100 people in River Bend are not counted during the census, it would cost us $1,935 per year for the next 10 years or $19,350. That is nearly $20,000 that we could use to pave streets in River Bend. If our residents are not counted properly, that money could go to another town for their streets.
We have provided 12 documents on our web page for your review. Please take the time to read them if you have any questions. Most importantly, when you receive your official CENSUS 2020 Questionnaire, please complete it. This year, you can respond via mail, online or by telephone.
Delane Jackson, Town Manager