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The New Bern Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), which the Town of River Bend is a member of, is currently working on two initiatives, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and a Safety Action Plan (SAP). These planning efforts are focused on identifying transportation improvements and safety enhancements such as widening or constructing new roads, modifying intersections, improving pedestrian connectivity with sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrians push buttons, etc. Both plans will guide the MPO in prioritizing and justifying investment decisions while helping to clearly communicate with stakeholders and access funding opportunities. In fact, the SAP will identify various types of safety countermeasures for the entire planning area that would allow our member agencies to apply for a Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A) Grant to implement those recommendations. 

We want to hear from you. A virtual room has been created which summarizes both plans and the goals of each. Please take a few minutes to visit the room, learn more about these initiatives, and click on the “Take the Survey” button to share your input. Contact Deanna Trebil, MPO Administrator at 252-639-7592 with any comments or questions or click on the “Contact Information” button to email her.